Insurer Extras Spotlight – Royal London Ireland

Royal London Ireland are a terrific company to deal with from a servicing and price point of view. For a long time they have had the best options for your Mortgage Protection or Term Assurance products. In fact, most of the Whole of Life Section 72 cover that we organise for clients is placed with Royal London. In line with competition from the marketplace, they too have an additional service that you get when you take out a policy with them. It’s not as comprehensive as that provided by Aviva Care, but it’s very useful and comes at no additional cost. Details of Royal London’s Helping Hand are below.
Helping Hand from Royal London Ireland.
Helping Hand gives one-to-one personal support from your own dedicated nurse from RedArc who can help you and your family cope with the devastating effects that illness or bereavement can have.
With more than 20 years’ experience, RedArc has earned a reputation for service excellence, supporting individuals and their families through serious illness, chronic health conditions, bereavement and disabilities.
Whilst your medical team focus on your treatment, RedArc helps by providing ‘softer’ skills – a friendly listening ear, practical information, and much needed emotional support both for you and your family. (When we say ‘family’ we mean the spouse or partner of the Royal London Life Assured and their children.)
Personal support whenever you need it.
Helping Hand is available to use from the day your policy starts – not just when making a claim. It doesn’t cost anything extra to use and your partner and children can use it too.
If you ever suffer a serious illness, injury or bereavement, it provides you with the additional support you might need beyond a financial payout.
To help speed up recovery, specialist therapy may also be provided through Helping Hand, such as:
- Bereavement Counsellors or
- Speech and Language Therapists or
- Face-to-face second medical opinion or
- Complementary therapies or
- Physiotherapy for specific serious health conditions or
- Many others according to nurse assessment.
These extra specialist therapies are only provided if recommended by your personal RedArc nurse and are limited to one type.
We love dealing with Royal London for their great service and their lower cost, straightforward life assurance policies (including Mortgage Protection). The addition of Helping Hand is useful, but not enough to justify choosing Royal London solely to get access to Helping Hand. They entered the Income Protection market a few years ago and now that they have a few years of Irish client claims under their belt, they are very worthwhile considering for all of your protection cover needs.

Brian Whelan (QFA)
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