Terms of Business
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These Terms of Business, applicable from 22nd August 2024, set out the general terms under which we will provide business services to you and the respective duties and responsibilities of both ourselves and you in relation to such services. Please ensure you read these terms thoroughly and if you have any queries, we will be happy to clarify them. If any material changes are made to these terms, we will notify you.
quote4it.ie Ltd t/a Family Cover is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Our authorisation can be checked on the Central Bank of Ireland register’s website at www.centralbank.ie or by calling the Public Enquiries Department on 0818 681 681 to verify our credentials. Our reference code is C7448. We are also subject to the Consumer Protection Code, Minimum Competency Code and Fitness & Probity Standards which offer protection to consumers. These Codes can also be found on the Central Bank’s website.
We are a member of Brokers Ireland.
In addition to trading as Family Cover, we also trade as:
MedProtect– Our services dedicated to medical professionals in Ireland.
We also own, maintain and are responsible for a website specific to Section 72 Insurance policies:
Section72 – Our inheritance tax insurance website.
Registered in April 2000 in Ireland No. 326817.
E-mail: info@familycover.ie
Web: www.familycover.ie
We are an Insurance and Mortgage Credit Intermediary. Our principal business is to provide advice and arrange transactions on behalf of our clients in relation to Life, Pensions and Insurance based Investments from Life Companies and mortgage products.
We currently only provide advice to our clients on life assurance products and mortgages for residential home ownership.
We provide advice on life assurance products on a fair and personal analysis basis i.e. providing services on the basis of a sufficiently large number of contracts and product producers available in the market to enable us to make a recommendation, in accordance with professional criteria, regarding which contract would be adequate to meet your needs.
The Life Assurance Companies we have an agency with are as follows;
Life Companies.
- Aviva Life & Pensions (Ireland) Dac.
- Royal London Insurance Dac.
- Irish Life Assurance plc.
- Standard Life International Dac.
- New Ireland Assurance Co plc.
- Zurich Life & Pensions Ltd.
We provide mortgage advice on a limited analysis basis (providing services on the basis of a limited number of contracts and product producers available in the market).
The Mortgage Companies we have an agency with are as follows;
Mortgage Companies
- Brokers Ireland Network Services Ltd. (Allows us to access the mortgage products available from PTSB & Finance Ireland.)
- Dilosk DAC
- Haven Mortgages Ltd.
- The Governor & Company of Bank of Ireland.
Through the lenders or other undertakings with which we hold an agency, we can provide advice on and arrange mortgage products from the following range: fixed-rate loans, variable rate mortgages, capital & interest mortgages, interest only mortgages, endowment mortgages, pension mortgages and residential investment property. We provide mortgage advice from the selection of lenders we have agencies with. We will need to collect sufficient information from you before we can offer any advice on housing loans. This is due to the fact a key issue in relation to mortgage advice is affordability. Such information should be produced promptly. Where the creditor is unable to carry out an assessment of creditworthiness because the consumer chooses not to provide the information or verification necessary for an assessment of creditworthiness, the credit cannot be granted.
Disclosure of Information
We act as your representative to the companies we have agencies with, and we will provide assistance to you for any queries you may have in relation to the policies or in the event of a claim during the life of the policies and we will explain to you the various restrictions, conditions and exclusions attached to your policy. However, it is your responsibility to read the policy documents, literature and brochures to ensure you understand the nature of the policy cover. Material information about medical history, non-smoker status, occupation category and any hazardous pursuits are central to underwriting decisions and it is imperative all information you provide to the insurer is accurate and complete.
You are under a duty to answer all questions posed by the insurer or ourselves on your behalf, honestly and with reasonable care.
It is presumed, unless the contrary is shown, that you would know all questions in an application or at renewal are material to the risk undertaken by the insurer or the calculation of the premium by the insurer, or both. Any failure to disclose material information may invalidate a claim and render your policy void.
You must inform and disclose any material information including any material changes that might take place between the time you complete an application form and the time you pay the first premium.
To assist us in providing you with a comprehensive service and to keep our records as up-to date as soon as possible, please notify us of any changes to your personal circumstances, e.g., name change, change of address, etc.
Although we will not be considering adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors in our investment and insurance-based Investment advice, we will keep an eye on the changes the Product Providers put in place and note any adverse effect on the cost to you, if any.
After due consideration with regards the legislation on Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, due to our size and the type of business we transact with our clients, we have decided not to consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors in our investment and insurance-based Investment advice. The reason we have decided this course of action is because we do not produce these investments, it is the Product Producers we have agencies with who build the Investment Products we advise on. Within the next year we will consider whether we will continue with this view, to ensure we stay within the guidelines of the legislation. All information re Sustainable Finance Disclosures will be adhered to by the Product Producers and their brochures and documents will outline their disclosures.
If any of the investments we provide advice on have a Sustainability Finance Disclosure, these investments will be produced by the product providers we have agencies with, and their brochures and documents will have full details of the areas that are considered.
quote4it.ie Ltd is remunerated by commission and other payments from product producers on the completion of your business. You may choose to pay in full for our services by means of a fee. Where we receive recurring commission, this forms part of the remuneration for ongoing advice with regards to the business we advise you on and we will provide you with an annual update on your investment business.
If we receive commission from a product provider, this will be offset against the fee which we will charge you. Where the commission is greater than the fee due, the commission will become the amount payable to us unless an arrangement to the contrary is made.
Additional fees may be payable for complex cases or to reflect value, specialist skills or urgency. We will give an estimate of this rate in advance of providing you with services.
We may receive up to 1% (or whatever maximum is applicable) of the loan for arranging mortgage finance. This commission is paid by the mortgage lender. The actual amount of commission will be disclosed at a later stage in the ESIS (European Standardised Information Sheet) which will be forwarded to you at loan offer stage. A fee of €250 is charged for arranging your mortgage application. Please note lenders may charge specific fees in certain circumstances and if this applies, these fees will be specified in your Loan Offer. You have the right to pay a fee separately and not include it in the loan. Typically, this situation arises in relation to specialist lending. A full list of lenders and remuneration is available on request.
If we provide mortgage advice and obtain a Loan Offer for you and you subsequently do not proceed with your mortgage application through ourselves, we will charge you an arrangement fee of €250 for our services. Support staff: €150 per hour.
A summary of the details of all arrangements for any fee, commission, other reward or remuneration paid or provided to us by the product producers, is available on our website or in our offices. If you need further explanation on this information, please do not hesitate to call us.
It is in your best interests that you review, on a regular basis, the products which we have arranged for you. As your circumstances change, your needs will change. Please advise us of those changes and request a review of the relevant policy so we can ensure you are provided with up-to-date advice and products best suited to your needs.
It is our policy to avoid conflicts of interest in providing services to you. However, where an unavoidable conflict of interest arises, we will advise you of this in writing before providing you with any service. As per above we receive commission from companies we have agencies with for the business you transact.
We will exercise our legal right to receive payments due to us from clients (fees) for services provided. Insurers may withdraw benefits or cover in the event of default on payments due under policies or other products arranged for you. We would refer you to policy documents or product terms for the details of such provisions.
We request all cheques or negotiable instruments are made payable to the appropriate Product Provider for Life, Pensions, Investment business. We shall issue a receipt for each payment received. These receipts are issued with your protection in mind and should be stored safely. Every effort is made to ensure clients’ money is transmitted to the appropriate Product Provider without delay. We are not authorised to accept cash.
The acceptance by quote4it.ie Ltd. of a completed proposal DOES NOT in itself constitute the effecting of a policy. It is only when the Provider confirms the policy is in place and that your policy is live.
We have a complaints procedure in place which is available on request. Your complaint can be in writing, email, telephone or face to face. If your complaint is face to face or by phone, we will write to you to confirm our understanding of your complaint. We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 business days, advising you of the name of the person dealing with your complaint on behalf of the company. Please address any complaint to Brian Whelan, Complaints Officer, quote4it.ie Ltd., 7 Field’s Terrace, The Triangle, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 Y2N6. If in the event, a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of our investigation, you are entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Services & Pensions Ombudsman, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, Lo call: 01-567 7000 / E-mail: info@fspo.ie.
quote4it.ie Ltd. complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Regulation. The data which you provide to us will be held on a computer database and paper files for the purpose of arranging transactions on your behalf. The data will be processed only in ways compatible with the purposes for which it was given. We will provide you with a separate Data Privacy Notice will outline exactly how, what and where we use your data. We may receive referrals from partner firms and may advise them of any transactions arranged for you.
We are members of the Investor Compensation Scheme operated by the Investor Compensation Company Ltd. The Investor Compensation Act, 1998 provides for the establishment of a compensation scheme and the payment, in certain circumstances, of compensation to certain clients (known as eligible investors) of authorised investment firms, as defined in the Act. Compensation may be payable where money or investment instruments owned or belonging to clients and held, administered or managed by the firm cannot be returned to those clients for the time being and where there is no reasonably foreseeable opportunity of the firm being able to do so.
A right to compensation will arise only: If the client is an eligible investor as defined in the Act; and if it transpires that the firm is not in a position to return client money or investment instruments owned or belonging to the clients of the firm; and to the extent of the client’s loss is recognized for the purposes of the Act. Where an entitlement to compensation is established, the compensation payable will be the lesser of: 90% of the amount of the client’s loss which is recognised for the purposes of the Investor Compensation Act, 1998; or Compensation of up to €20,000. For further information, contact the Investor Compensation Co. Ltd. at (01) 224 4955.
These Terms of Business shall be governed by and construed in all respects according to the laws of the Republic of Ireland and will be deemed to cover any successors in business to quote4it.ie Ltd.